Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spring 2014 ~

A lot of exciting work has been done to get the cobblestone gardens ready for the growing season!

In the fall, After-schooler’s undertook a garlic planting project. We prepared the circle bed by turning the soil and adding compost. Then, we planted the garlic and added a layer of mulch on top to help insulate through the cold winter. If you visit the circle bed garden, you can see the tops of the garlic starting to grow. They are already 3-4 inches! We will be harvesting the garlic scapes this spring, and then harvesting garlic bulbs in mid-July. 

There are many different seeds started inside at the garden center in the multipurpose room. (Climb up to the 3rd floor to check it out!) Zucchini, Tomato, Tomatillo, Peppers, Squash, Broccoli, Okra, and Watermelon have all sprouted… Many of these seeds are from the Seed Bank at the Monroe library. – Thanks to Ms. Genevieve for picking them up for us!

The Moon shaped bed has been re-shaped and a lot of compost was added. Many rows of carrots, radish, spinach and lettuce were planted. (These have also started to grow!) Chives were also planted, next to the sage. When the weather is warmer, some other perennial herbs will be added, with the goal of converting the whole bed into a perennial herb garden. Mint and sage are already planted, and give a bountiful yearly harvest.

The two raised beds are soon to be re-built, and planted as well! Barb Quinn graciously donated the materials. Many thanks to her! Once completed, the soil in these beds will be amended by adding compost, and then many of our starts will be planted!

Our perennial fruits – the raspberries and the cherry tree – have been composted. Soon we will add some compost to the base of the apple trees out front. Adding compost to the soil around these plants ensures that they will get rich nutrients for a plentiful harvest. This year, Cobblestones Vacation Camp plans to make some raspberry jam.

If you are interested in any FREE seeds for your home garden – stop in and see Mr. John. We have many different varieties of tomato, pepper and carrot. We also have squash, broccoli, cauliflower, okra, tomatillo, zucchini, watermelon, muskmelon, peas and many more!

Continue to check the garden blog for updates!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring plans 2010

Spring came quickly and retreated a little bit, but that did not prevent Susan's class from planting radishes! They are starting to show in the bed closest to the building. Plans for this spring include Bridget's class planting a three sisters garden since they have been learning about Native American cultures as well as flowers for the first floor. The round bed already has Jerusalem artichokes from last fall planted by Susan's group. The third floor groups will tend to the semicircle again and are waiting to see some of their perennial herbs return!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring is Here!

Our garden is in the beginning stages of being planted! As you drive in, look to see what is going on or take a quick walk out front. The raspberry bushes have grown -- hopefully this summer we will have a good crop!

Dan Rundberg, father of a student at Cobblestone, led the first floor in a garden ceremony several weeks ago. Here are some pictures of that morning.

The following is from Mary, Dan's wife & Grace's mother:

Dan (and Grace)are Haudenosaunee, which means “People of the longhouse”. Another name is Iroquois (a French word translated “bark eaters”). Dan prefers Haudenosaunee:) He is Cayuga (one of the six nations within Haudenosaunee confederacy). Grace’s Cayuga name is Ohwenjadeyo which means “beautiful earth”, nurturer of all things.

Dan gave a very brief Thanksgiving address. Giving thanks to Creator for the earth, corn, beans, squash, rain, sun and all things. He played the water drum and sang Cayuga social songs.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to help us plan our Spring Garden. February meeting in the works, we will post information as soon as it comes available. Interested? Email:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Next School Garden Meeting

Hello Team,
A couple weeks ago we cleaned up the beds with Nikki , Christy and Barb, the only thing left to do is to cut back the raspberries (which I can do when it is not too cold in the next few days). We planted some sunchokes (Jerusalem artichokes) and daffodils in front of the school windows. The harvest fire was great!

We plan on meeting on January 12th at 2:45 in Christy's room on the first floor, this way children coming along can play and we can talk. After school care is also available if you call by 12;00.

We just got a seed donation from Abundance. Thank you Abundance Cooperative!

Thanks to all of us on the garden team, Sharon, Mary Jo and everyone else who helped make this season happen, and looking forward to starting the next one!
Have a nice holiday season,